Titiraqtaa Allen Niptanatiak
Titiraujaqtaa Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall
Uvani taiguagakhami, nutaqqat ajuiqharniaqtut qanuq qalviit pamiqhivaktut ivamingnik, humi nunaqaqtut, hunanik nirivaktut aallakkullu qaujimajakhanik, imaa qanuq atuqpagaat tipiqquqtuuhiqtik imaalu qanuq niqikhaqhiuqtujuunguqhutik ariuhimajunik iqqakuunik!
In this book, kids will learn how wolverines raise their babies, where they live, what they eat, and other interesting information, like how they use their distinctive scent and how they became known as the gluttons of the animal kingdom!